Catholic School Online Form Builder
Imagine all of your forms online, including Applications, Tuition, Donations, Registrations, Event Sign Ups, T-shirt orders. We can build the forms for you or you can use our super easy form building tool. Your parents have been asking for you can deliver it.
Complete with connections to 4 popular payment gateways, our Form Builder can accept payments and donations. Parents and students can now sign up for events, fill out applications, and make payments all from the convenience of their home or anywhere with an internet connection. The forms integrate easily with our websites and mobile apps. |
Event/Activity Registration
Easily create sign up forms for events. Payments Collect payments for events or other activities right in the form. Donation System Create the easiest and fastest donation system available for Catholic Schools today. Donors simply enter their name, credit card info, and email address. No physical address. No usernames and passwords. No logging in. No clicking multiple times on multiple pages. No hidden or confusing buttons. No unnecessary information required. Our forms make donations a breeze. Recurring donations are also available. Surveys/Polls Create surveys and polls and view data in pie charts, graphs, and spreadsheets. Unlimited Forms and Fields That is correct. Create as many forms as you like and put as many fields on the forms as you want. Incredible Data Receive form submissions direct to your email. Form submissions are also available for download as an Excel file, .CSV, or .TXT. You can also view submission data as a pie chart, donut chart, bar chart, line chart, area chart, or grid. Multi-Page Forms Want to move even your largest forms online? No problem. You can create multi-page forms. Multi-page forms can be saved and revisited by users. The user's progress is also displayed on the top of the form. SSL Certificates and Security Forms are hosted on our secure servers. No need to worry about security. Embed or Link to the Forms Grab the code to embed the form on your website, mobile app, Facebook page, Blog, or other social media site. Or, you can simply link to the form via an email or website. Links and code are generated for you automatically. Simply copy and paste. Notifications The program automatically sends a notification email to the email address of your choosing. You can also send an auto confirmation email to the person who completed the form. Specify the sender and reply to address of the emails for an even more personal touch. Form Logic Hide and Show form elements based on user input. For example, if the user says she has "3" children for Sunday School, then you can tell the form to show three name fields for the children. Or, if the user decides to pay in person, you can skip the online payment part of the form. Mobile Friendly As you might expect from the company that brought you the Parish Mobile App, our Parish Forms are all mobile friendly. Open them up on your phone or tablet and they look and work great. Payment Processing We offer easy integration with five major payment gateways. We can advise you which is the best for you and help you set it up. You may already have one setup. Two of the options have no monthly or setup fees! Support Not sure how to do something? Give us a call or email. We are here to help. Follow Up Easily copy all the registrants' email addresses into your email program, thank them for attending, and invite them to the next event. Record Keeping Instead of sorting through an old stack of illegible papers, just peek at last year's excel file to see who and how many signed up. Send them an email again. Powerful Visual Data Creating surveys and polls is a great way to quickly gather data and input. Create a Parish Survey or Poll and instantly see broad trends on pie charts and graphs. You don't have to sift through piles of papers to quickly see that your community prefers option 3 standing out on a bar graph when it comes to Mass times or whatever question you asked. Principal's Christmas Gift Everybody wants to give Father a gift for Christmas but no one knows what to give. Easily create a special "Christmas Fund" for the Pastor and allow people to easily pool their money together for one giant gift. Or, simply give father the total. Cash is always the right size and color: Hospitality The ministry of hospitality often begins with the event registration or sign up process. If the sign up processes is not available and easy, those "invited" start to feel not so invited. If it feels like you have to know someone or know a secret to sign up for a School event, then there is a failure in hospitality. Save Time & Money Time is money. Even among staff and volunteers, time translates into money. Free your staff and volunteers from unnecessary paperwork. Or, if you currently rely on a technical person to create forms for you, save the money you are spending and easily create them yourself. With the ability to temporarily disable forms, you can put save them until you need them next year or next month. Eventually you'll barely be doing anything. |
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Sample Forms
Request Info Packet Make a Donation |